We have some great clubs in South Perth and they are a great way to get active and involved in your local South Perth community, not to mention make new friends. Why not get in touch with them to see how you can get involved?

If you'd like your club to be included on this list, please email: [email protected]



Where Do We Meet?

When Do We Meet?

Befriend Inc Various locations in Karawara  Contact [email protected]
Como Combined Probus Club South of Perth Yacht Club (SOPYC) 3rd Monday of the month, 9:30am for a 10am start.
Grow Group mental health support South Perth Community Centre (lower level) Mondays 6:30pm-8:30pm
Holy Family Craft Group Meeting room, Holy Family Church Como Evert Wednesday 9:30am to 12pm
Lions Club of South Perth Manning Senior Citizens Centre 2nd and 4th Tuesday in the month, 6.30 pm for a 7pm start.
Manning Men's Shed 3 Downey Drive, Manning Open 8:30am-1pm, Monday to Saturday.
Manning Town Team Various Varies – contact [email protected]
Phoenix Friendship Social Club for Seniors Hensman Park Tennis Club 3rd Sunday of each month at 6.30pm
Perth MALA George Burnett Leisure Centre  
Rotary Club of Como Royal Perth Golf Club Fortnightly on Mondays 6.30pm-8pm.
Rotary Club of Mill Point Royal Perth Golf Club Each Friday 7am for a 7:30am start and goes until 8.30am.
Soroptimist International South Perth Royal Perth Golf Club      2nd Tuesday of the month at 7am 
South Perth Camera Club South Perth library Last Monday of the month at 7pm
South Perth Ladies Probus Club Royal Perth Golf Club 4th Tuesday of each Month at 9:45am
South Perth Learning Centre South Perth Community Centre (lower level) Varies according to the program on their website.
The Real Sing Acapella Choir Manning Community Hall Thursday evenings