Cost-of-living Lotterywest Grant Given to Southcare

Cost-of-living Lotterywest Grant Given to Southcare Main Image

19 December 2023

Southcare know first-hand the cost-of-living pressures faced by local families. I was delighted to join Member for Swan Zaneta Mascarenhas to present a $100,000 Lotterywest grant for emergency relief services to Southcare CEO Enda Fahy in November.

These funds will be used to provide food vouchers, rent arrears and utility payments for those on low incomes who suffer social disadvantage and are in urgent need.

Last year Southcare helped 1,124 people with emergency relief and financial counselling services. Our community is fortunate to have a provider like Southcare deliver this essential work and now with this added funding boost more families can benefit.

Southcare’s emergency relief is confidential and available free of charge to residents in the City of South Perth between 10am – 1pm Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Call Southcare on 9450 6233 to check eligibility or please see Southcare Emergency Relief