Detour of shared pedestrian-cycle path extended

Detour of shared pedestrian-cycle path extended Main Image

Due to unseasonal weather conditions affecting access by contractors, work is continuing to repair a section of river wall along the Kwinana Freeway in Como.

This means that a detour of the shared pedestrian-cycle path along Melville Parade will remain in place until the end of March 2022.

It was necessary for repairs on the limestone river wall, between Cale and Thelma Streets, to be carried out during the summer months when day-time tides were expected to be at their lowest.

However, Perth’s weather in January and February has been affected by atmospheric pressure patterns resulting in higher tides, limiting the time available to the contractors.

Nearby community members have been contacted by Main Roads WA, however more information is available on the Main Roads website.

Alternatively, you can call the Main Roads WA Customer Information Centre on 138 138 or email [email protected]